You may also be able to vote via ballot at your local library. I know for sure you can at Brier, Freeland, Langley, Lynnwood, Mukilteo and Oak Harbor. (Locate your library, and call to find out!)
If you haven't read them yet, reserve the books through Sno-Isle Libraries, by going through this booklist. And, remember, you still have until August 31st for your reviews to count toward the Summer Reading contest - and that LAPTOP!!
Just 13 more days for you to enter our Teen Summer Reading Contest, for a chance to win our cool USB Lanyards (perfect for back to school secret file storage)...and the grand prize: an Acer Aspire Notebook!
Enter all your summer reading reviews (books, audiobooks, graphic novels and manga) here to increase your chances of winning!
Lael August 4, 2009 8:43 PM "My favorite fantasy series is by Anne McCaffrey that include Dragonsong, Dragonsinger, and Dragondrums."
Zac August 5, 2009 9:10 PM "My favorite fantasy seiries is Bobby Pendragon by D.J. MacHale. These books are imaginative, thrilling, and leave you drooling for more."
Lael & Zac you will need to email teens [at!] sno-isle [dot]org with your full name and the library you'd like to pick your prize up at. You have until Thursday, August 20th at 9pm to notify us. Books not claimed may be re-drawn from the entries that did not win.
Here she is: The Fantastic Shredding Samurai (ok, well, that's sorta a lame name, but *I* didn't pick it!)
Make your own at the Hero Factory! I'd love to see your creations, so comment if you post them somewhere!
Readergirlz are featuring Coe Booth's Kendra this month - the live chat will occur on Wednesday, August 26th at 6 PM PST - but dialog will be happening all month long at the rgz blog!
Do you love the House of the Night series? Did you know it is written by a mother-daughter team, P.C. and Kristin Cast? Read about how they write together in this interview in Entertainment Weekly’s new book blog Shelf Life. Mom (P. C.) will write a first draft of a novel and 22-year-old Kristin will:
go back in and fill in the parts that she hasn’t, like the descriptions, or similes and metaphors, or the the plot references. I do a lot of those. But if there’s a word that I can tell one of the teenagers wouldn’t use, I’ll change that and use the comment bubbles and put notes all throughout it, and she goes back and reads it and rewrites it…and then we send it in.
You can order Tempted, the sixth book of the series, from our online catalog, and be one of the first to read it! The publication date is 10/27/09.
Countless times I have you guys in the library asking for the Uglies trilogy. And it breaks my heart every time I have to tell you they are all checked out. *wipes tear* HOWEVER, for a limited time, I can now just sit you down at a computer and let you read the FREE DIGITAL EBOOK VERSION! w00t!
If the thought of ebooks are still a bit sketchy to you, check the Explore shelf, or read one of Scott Westerfeld's other non-Uglies books (my favorite is Peeps - I mean, vampirism as cause by a wicked virus? you can't really go wrong with that.)
Ok, since the winners of the Harry Potter giveaway are most likely quietly ensconced in their reading chairs revisiting the last three adventures of that scar-faced bespectacled boy, it's time for a new giveaway. Now, The Ranger's Apprentice series by John Flanagan may not be as popular as good 'ole Harry, but I assure you, if you are a fan of adventures and quests concerning orphaned young underdogs, you will love Will, who has been apprenticed to the mysterious Ranger.
I have TWO copies of the newest installment in this series, The Siege of Macindaw, to giveaway. Same drill as before, you must comment to have a chance at the books - this time I want you to tell me what your favorite fantasy book (or series) is that ISN'THarry Potter, Twilight, or The Ranger's Apprentice.
The rules: You MUST be between the ages of 12-18. You MUST be able to pick up your prize at one of the 21 Sno-Isle libraries (or be on the bookmobile route). Find a library near you. Note that you can only enter ONCE! :)
You have until Tuesday, August 11th at 8pm to enter! We'll have a random drawing and announce the winners Tuesday night - so you'll have to check back to see if you win - and then the winners will need to email us at the address we'll provide on the 11th.
Just to whet your appetite, here's a teaser book trailer for the first three books:
And, if you need more proof of this series' cred (I don't know why I'm assuming you haven't read it, I've personally given it to scads of you - and there are currently 72 holds on The Siege of Macindaw) THEY ARE MAKING A MOVIE OF THE FIRST BOOK TO BE RELEASED NEXT YEAR. Just so you know. It's not like I'm all excited or anything... *looks away*