So I don't know if you know, but I tried out for Jeopardy last month. I won a copy of the home game at the tryout, so I'm already ahead on the deal. Except for the fact I had to drive to Portland, and stay in a swank downtown hotel and pay $29.00 for parking. But other than that, gravy.
So I've been tivoing and watching Jeoprady and last week they had some kind of horror movie category. One clue was "This movie has the beastly Lycans vs. the blood-sucking Death Dealers." And some dude (way more uncool than me) answered, "What is Vampires Vs. Werewolves?" Which isn't even a movie.
The correct response was, of course, "Underworld".
I can't decide if Vampires Vs. Werewolves would be the best title since Snakes on a Plane. Maybe only if it had Sam Jackson shouting, "That's it! I have had it with these mother-loving werewolves in my mother-loving crypt!"

Yes, I still find Snakes on a Plane jokes funny (maybe I'm not cooler than the Jeopardy dude).
The Ruins came out this weekend. based on a pretty great book by Scott Smith it really isn't bad at all. You should check it out.
If you are over the age of 17. This blog does not advocate buying a ticket to Horton Hears a Who and sneaking into r rated movies. Because Horton hears a Who probably sucks.