Dread it when you get assigned a book with a medal on it? Sick of "good for you" books that are dry and boring? The CYBILS might just be the answer. They are taking nominations from the public - anyone with an email address can nominate their FAVORITE book of 2008. They take the nominations and try to find those few books that are both WELL WRITTEN and POPULAR. Books that are good AND good for you.
So, have a favorite book that came out in 2008? Through the end of Wednesday, you can nominate your favorite 2008 titles on the Cybils blog. Read the directions,
then nominate your favorite book in any of 9 categories including Middle Grade, Science Fiction/ Fantasy and Teen. Each book only needs to be nominated once, so if you see your first favorite, nominate your OTHER favorite. I know you have more than one... ;)
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