2010 Prodigies for Peace Writing Contest
Grades 6-8 and Grades 9-12
Write an essay on the following question: This year’s theme is “Stewards of the Common Good.” Applying the principles of Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and his commitment to the common good of all people, how do you believe that you can become a Steward of the Common Good in your community?
Background and Instructions:Consider how Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy affected the civil rights and other important issues of Americans. Take into account the principles Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. suggested in his “I Have A Dream” speech and how they may have impacted our country for the common good of all Americans. How do you believe you can apply Dr. Rev. King’s message to become a steward of the common good in your community?
Entries may be returned to any Sno-Isle community library, or to the Everett Mayor’s Office, (2930 Wetmore Avenue, 10th Floor, Everett 98201), attention Kate Reardon. Entries may be typed or handwritten and should include: Name, Phone Number, School, Teacher, and Grade. This information should be on the upper right hand corner of the first page of the entry.
Word Limit:
Grades 6-8: 250-750 words
Grades 9-12: 500-1,000 words
Contest Deadline: No later than 5 p.m. on Friday, December 18, 2009Awards for Students: - 1st Place Winners for each grade category receive series I Bonds – $500 for the high school category, $250 for the middle school category and $100 for the elementary school category.
- 1st, 2nd & 3rd place winners will be recognized at the MLK Community Breakfast Celebration in January 2010 and will receive awards.
- Award Winners will be posted in The Everett Herald and displayed locally.
More information.