Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Can YOU Draw the Walking Dead?

From Sourcebooks:

"In Ty Drago's upcoming thriller THE UNDERTAKERS: RISE OF THE CORPSES, twelve-year-old Will Ritter battles an invasion of animated Corpses that only he and his friends can see. Corpses hide in plain sight and can be disguised as anyone: teachers, doctors, policemen ... anyone at all.

Sourcebooks Inc. and Ty Drago are announcing a drawing contest for anyone aged 8+. The rules are simple: draw in black and white OR color, a rotting cadaver pretending to be a normal person. No rags on these dead guys. Suits. Uniforms. Swim trunks. Hoodies. Let your imagination soar! The grosser and scarier, the better!

The winner will receive a signed Advanced Reading Copy of THE UNDERTAKERS: RISE OF THE CORPSES. He or she will also have her winning drawing displayed on the front page of the UNDERTAKERS website.

Contest runs from March 1 through March 31, 2011. For more information, visit www.myTeenFire.com.


  • You must be over 8 years old

  • You must love "zombies" and want to draw them

  • You must submit an original drawing by uploading it into the contest forum on myTeenFire. It can be created on your computer or drawn and scanned.

  • Max size should be 600 by 800 pixels

  • Only one entry per artist please!

  • All entries MUST be submitted by 11:59 pm on March 31, 2011"

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