After what seems like FOREVER, news has finally begun trickling out recently regarding casting for the movie version of World War Z. As the link said, Brad Pitt's production company has owned the rights to the film version of this awesome book for several years, and Pitt himself has long been slotted to play the UN reporter who records the oral histories of survivors of a worldwide war with the walking dead. However, those of us who have been following the buzz around this book/film crossover and the countless delays and difficulties surrounding casting the film, selecting a director, and finishing the screenplay wondered if the movie was ever going to happen. This week's announcement of Mireille Enos from AMC's The Killing signing on to play Pitt's wife in the film seems to finally end any lingering fears that the project won't move forward.
This exciting news prompts me to ask the question what other books with 'end of the world' scenarios do you think would make great movies? Susan Beth Pfeffer's Life As We Knew It and Carrie Ryan's Forest of Hands and Teeth came to my mind, but I know some of you can think of a great book I'm missing.....
I'm pretty excited to see Ender's Game is being taken on: http://www.deadline.com/2011/04/franchise-hungry-summit-plays-enders-game-with-filmmaker-gavin-hood/
I love Ender's Game! I hadn't heard they were planning a move for it, though. One more title to add to my list of movies I must wait patiently to see.
I love to see either Scott Westerfeld's Uglies Series or Violet Eyes and Silver Eyes by Nicole Luiken. Both are post apcolypitic/epedemic stories, though you wouldn't know it with Violet Eyes.
I like Scott Westerfeld, but I haven't read the Uglies Series. Peeps and Midnighters are both really entertaining, so I'm sure that Uglies, Pretties, etc. are also good reads.
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