Imagine, if you will, that you have become marooned on a desert island by yourself. I'm no fool; I know the first thing you're going to do is look for food, water, and shelter and make sure there are no pirates around. That's exactly what I'd do. But we're going to fast forward past that part.
In this scenario you've been on the island for a few months. You haven't quite gone this crazy yet, but you're getting really lonely and bored. Luckily for you, a water proof unlocked suitcase washes up on the beach (I know, this IS a very realistic and highly probable scenario; it could easily happen to any of us). You open the case and notice three books inside!

My question to all of you is which three books would you hope to find when opening the case? They can be any books you'd like and you can choose them for any reason. Click on the comments if you want to see which three I'd pick and to share your own choices!
My choices would be:
1. Living Wild: The Ultimate Guide to Scouting and Fieldcraft by Bear Grylls. Bear is awesome and I'd want his knowledge and experiences available to me.
2. A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole because it is my favorite book.
3. My third choice would be any really, really long great book like War and Peace, David Copperfield, or The Count of Montecristo because I am probably not getting off that island any time in the near future. :)
I would definitly pick...
1.) Fairest, by Gail Carlson Levine. This book isn't my favorite book, but it's one of those that I can just read over and over and over and not get tired of it, which would definitly come in handy.
2.) City of Glass, by Cassandra Clare. It's long enough to keep me entertained for a little bit (it's like 600 pages), and one of my favorite books. I'd pick the first book in the series (City of Bones), but I'm an ending sort of person, so I need the closure that the third book gives (since it closes well enough if you ignore the next 3 books in the series).
3.) Maybe the Bible, because I'm religious. If not, probably The Hunger Games because that book kicks butt, and it's a survival novel/action-packed dystopian all in one!
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