When I was a kid I loved dragons. Correction. I LOVED dragons. Couldn't get enough of them. So I would have loved to have what happens in Slayers by C.J. Hill happen to me:
At a rustic summer camp, sixteen-year-old Tori, a senator's daughter, learns that she is descended from medieval dragon slayers, that dragons still exist, and that she is expected to hone her special abilities to join her fellow campers in battling the beasts and the man who controls them.
Whoa! Doesn't that sound AWESOME? Or is that just 6 year old me talking? If 6 year old you also thinks this is awesome and wants a chance to win this beautiful brand new hard cover, tell me what sorts of skills you would want to be trained in, if money and realism were no problem?
Winner will be selected by my buddy Random Number Generator on Tuesday December 27, 2012 (as I'll be on vacation next week). Be sure to leave a name with your entry, and check back to see if you won. To win you must be a teen (6th-12th grade, or 12-18) who uses a Sno-Isle Library.
I think I'll be getting this book whether I win it off the blog or not...I grew up on dragons! They WERE (and still are) my childhood!
Daaaang...so many skills to choose from. This is kind of counter to the book, but being trained in dragon riding would be absofreakinglutely AMAZING. Just saying.
Other than that...it'd be super cool to learn how to use a sword. Knife-throwing would also be pretty useful. I think I'll go with sword-fighting, though, because I'm an Eragon nerd at heart.
I'd say i would want to be trained in the art ofself-disipline as well as to learn how to use a bow and arrow and spear. Mostly i would love to be skilled at MIND READING not really to control people but more to be able to understand people better.
Noah is the winner for Slayers! Sending your book to Marysville tomorrow...
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