In a post-apocalyptic world, Pressia, a sixteen-year-old survivor with a doll's head fused onto her left hand meets Partridge, a "Pure" dome-dweller who is searching for his mother, sure that she has survived the cataclysm.
WHAT? There are many terrible things I have read it dystopian novels, but the idea of having a dolls head fused on my hand freaks me out more than I should admit. If that is exactly the sort of crazy plot-line that makes your ears perk up, Pure by Julianna Baggott may be just the book for you.
Here is the book trailer:
Want to win this book? Tell me the most disturbing thing you have encountered in a book this year (but no graphic details, please!)
Winner will be selected by my buddy Random Number Generator on Tuesday March 27, 2012. Be sure to leave a name with your entry, and check back to see if you won. To win you must be a teen (6th-12th grade, or 12-18) who uses a Sno-Isle Library.
Most disturbing scene i've read in a book this year... probably an excerpt concerning eyeballs in Ted Dekker's "Showdown." *shudders* not a chapter to read right before you go to sleep, lemme tell ya.
Probably one of the most disturbing scences i have read this year in a book (or ever) is within the "Gone" series. The whole fight scene between two of the kids who have special "talents"... one of them can put themselves back together no matter how many pieces he is in sooooo...that makes for a really gruesome battle. Kept me up all night thinking about it.
the most disturbing thing i have read in a book was The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. It was about s girl who went missing and her killer still lives in the same housee right down the street and if you evr read the book it was really disturbing what he did to her.
Aw, geez. I just started a book called "Living Dead Girl," about a girl who got kidnapped by a pedophile five years ago and is kept in his house. He constantly rapes her and makes her stay less than a hundred pounds despite the fact that she's very tall and 15. It's really creepy, and even though the author doesn't describe the rape scenes in great detail, she words them in such a way that you can visualize it perfectly. It kinda makes me want to throw up, but it's an amazing book.
Posted on behalf of AC, who is having computer problems:
"Most disturbing thing I've read in a long time was the entirety of John Dies At the End, but more specifically the worm-like parasites that burst out of people...yeah that book gives me nightmares.
Also, to Sadie, if you thought Gone was bad..wait til you read the other ones in the series o.o"
All so creepy! Makes me want to leave the light on when I go to sleep.
Random Number Generator picked #1 - Danielle! Danielle, email me at to let me know which library you want your book sent to :)
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