Friday, June 29, 2012

Weekend Book Give-Away: Lexapros and Cons

We've featured some pretty serious stuff lately, lots of fantasy, and a ton of stuff featuring girls.  So this week's book is a refreshingly different: Lexapros and Cons by Aaron Karo.  Warning:  LOTS of extremely frank guy humor here.  Not for delicate readers.

Realizing that his OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) is out of control, seventeen-year-old Chuck Taylor, who wants to win his best friend back and impress a new girl at school, tries to break some hardcore habits, face his demons--and get messy
To win this book, tell me about something you feel a little compulsive about (I can't hang black clothing on black hangers...they must go on white or green or maybe blue...anything but black!) and how far you are willing to take this obsession.  Winner will be selected with Random Number Generator on Tuesday July 3, 2012. Be sure to leave a name with your entry, and check back to see if you won. To win you must be a teen (6th-12th grade, or 12-18) who uses a Sno-Isle Library.


Noah said...

Well, there's a pretty long list (I actually do have OCD, so...). I guess the biggest thing is that everything for me has to be symmetrical or on a specific side...I can't wear one-sleeved shirts, and on certain days, my water glasses have to be on the right side.
Oh, and I have to wash or at least rinse my hands every single time I go outside, even if I just stand on the porch for a few minutes.

Dawn said...

Guess what Noah? You win this book!

Zumi said...

Wow, How I wish also to have this week end give away book. I think that this book has an interesting content. Thanks for this.

Zummi | weekend getaway Philippines