Do you think your parents are overprotective? Wait until you read about Pia in Origin by Jessica Khoury:
Pia has grown up in a secret laboratory hidden deep in the Amazon rain forest. She was raised by a team of scientists who have created her to be the start of a new immortal race. But on the night of her seventeenth birthday, Pia discovers a hole in the electric fence that surrounds her sterile home--and sneaks outside the compound for the first time in her life. Free in the jungle, Pia meets Eio, a boy from a nearby village. Together, they embark on a race against time to discover the truth about Pia's origin--a truth with deadly consequences that will change their lives forever...
This new book is pretty hot right now, and getting hotter...11 people are waiting to read it right now. But you, faithful readers, have a chance at winning your own brand new copy! Just tell me a short story (3-7 sentences) about your (totally imaginary) secret origin to be entered in the drawing.
Winner will be selected with Random Number Generator on Thursday October 11, 2012. Be sure to leave a name with your entry, and check back to see if you won. To win you must be a teen (6th-12th grade, or 12-18) who uses a Sno-Isle Library.
Ever since I was little, I was a super fast runner. In 5th grade I started getting suspicious. When I asked my parents that said I was from Germany. I didn't believe them. I have been doing research for six years now. Thinking night after night, where am I from,?, I finally have my answer.
I've never told anyone this before, but I come from a magical land far far away...I like rainbows not because they are pretty, but because I am secretly a unicorn from a distant land disguised as a human. I came over to Earth in order to observe the human peoples and determine if they are worth saving from the unicorns who wish to kill them. So far, results are inconclusive.
Sarah Richards
Oak Harbor Library
I am from planet Hidnikke a beautifully symmetrical planet, with friendly-minded symmetrical civilians and two beautifully symmetrical twin queens! We live in peace with other planets and we are very well known for our gifts in symmetrical musical instruments, playing many a soft lullaby. Our weakness is our very serious OCD with everything being symmetrical.
I am a Searcher, a Hidnikke trained specially to look for other planets with other lifeforms. This planet is a very large intimidating planet compared to Hidnikke.
You only need to submit once, Sarah! I'll approve it as soon as I see it :)
I am from a planet called Aculidn, where all the "continents" are little tiny islands. No matter where you are on the planet you are within 30 miles of the ocean and 100 miles of another island. They speak a different language called Swatchagn. It is a variation of english except some vowels are switched around. The people of Aculidn are mostly short and blonde, because somewhere along the way they came to Earth and mixed with people in Scandinavia. That is how I learned I was from Aculidn because my great-great-great grandparents came to Earth on a mission to find out more about our technology compared to Aculidns. Aculidn is generally peaceful but if the need arises they are able to defend themselves, luckily they are on very good terms with Earth, especially Scandinavia. That is why English and Swatchagn are so closely related.
OMG. These are the BEST comments EVER. I <3 you guys.
R#G went with #3 this time. Sarah...I'll be sending your book to Anne, the Teen Librarian at Oak Harbor. Send me your contact info to so I can let her know how to tell you when it comes in :)
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