For something a little different this week, our Advance Readers Copy is a non-fiction book: Drama High: The Incredible True Story of a Brilliant Teacher, a Struggling Town, and the Magic of Theater.
Friday Night Lights meets Glee! The incredible and true story of an
extraordinary drama teacher who has changed the lives of thousands of
students and inspired a town. Why would the multimillionaire
producer of Cats , Phantom of the Opera , and Miss Saigon take his limo
from Manhattan to the struggling former steel town of Levittown,
Pennsylvania, to see a high school production of Les Misérables ? To see
the show performed by the astoundingly successful theater company at
Harry S Truman High School, run by its legendary director, Lou Volpe.
Broadway turns to Truman High when trying out controversial shows like
Rent and Spring Awakening before they move on to high school theater
programs across the nation. Volpe's students from this blue-collar town
go on to become Emmy-winning producers, entertainment executives,
newscasters, and community-theater founders. This is a
story of an economically depressed but proud town finding hope in a
gifted teacher and the magic of theater.
If you love musical theater and Glee, you are going to want to read this inspiring story. Our library copies have a waiting list, but you might have the ARC next week, if you answer this question: What is your favorite musical, and what is so fabulous about it?
will be selected with Random Number Generator on Tuesday, December 3,
2013. Be sure to leave a name with your entry, and check back to see if
you won. To win you must be a teen (6th-12th grade, or 12-18) who uses a
Sno-Isle Library.