Michael is a gamer. And like most gamers, he almost spends more time on the VirtNet than in the actual world. The VirtNet offers total mind and body immersion, and it's addictive. Thanks to technology, anyone with enough money can experience fantasy worlds, risk their life without the chance of death, or just hang around with Virt-friends. And the more hacking skills you have, the more fun. Why bother following the rules when most of them are dumb, anyway? But some rules were made for a reason. Some technology is too dangerous to fool with. And recent reports claim that one gamer is going beyond what any gamer has done before: he's holding players hostage inside the VirtNet.
There are six people waiting to read this right now. To enter our drawing for a chance to win an Advanced Readers Copy of this new book and beat the line, tell me what sort of thing you would like to try out if you had access to the VirtNet? Cliff diving maybe? Space travel? Undersea exploration? Or something totally different?
Winner will be selected with Random Number Generator on Tuesday, November 26, 2013. Be sure to leave a name with your entry, and check back to see if you won. To win you must be a teen (6th-12th grade, or 12-18) who uses a Sno-Isle Library.
I would definitely try our being characters in my favorite books, like flying with Maximum Ride, and battling with Percy and Annabeth and such. And of course try out being a mermaid.
Flying. Not in an airplane, but flying like Peter Pan. I have dreamed of doing that ever since I was a little kid and I would give anything to have that opportunity.
I would experience historical events and interact with them. Such as being at the reading of the Gettysburg Address or seeing man build the pyramids.
Experiencing the wilderness as a supernatural. A survival experience is always worth it.
Random#Generator picked #3 - Willowtree Girl! Sending your book on to the Lynnwood Library :)
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