This week's book is a personalized and signed copy of Seven Kinds of Ordinary Catastrophes by another wonderful local author, Amber Kizer. It is the long awaited sequel to One Butt Cheek at a Time, bringing you the further adventures of Gert Garibaldi.
Okay, so here's the deal: there are books about volcanoes erupting and meteorites hitting Earth and plane crashes where the survivors have to eat people—those are extraordinary crises. That's not what this book is about. I'm more the ordinary catastrophe type. This second semester of my sophomore year, there are basically 7 KINDS OF ORDINARY CATASTROPHES: high school, boys, heartbreak, family, job, friends, and the future. Well, I guess everyone's life is full of ordinary catastrophes. These are mine. Hi, I'm Gert Garibaldi. Welcome to my crazy life.
To enter to win this awesome book, leave a comment telling us about an ordinary catastrophe from your life! Winner will be selected on Tuesday June 28, 2011.
An ordinary catastrophe for me is parents are so strict about grades and they expect, no, DEMAND that I get straight A's.
Lending out my copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows to my friend. My friend then went on vacation to Germany. Leaving me without the book and my best friend.On top of that I can't get the book back in time to reread it before the movie comes out!
Lending out my copy of the 7th Harry Potter to my best friend who lives in Poulsbo while I live in Mukilteo. After lending it out she went to Germany and is unable to send it back to me before the next movie comes out.
An ordinary catastrophe of mine is money. I don't think I'm alone when I say it would be nice to have alittle bit more. I don't mind earning it, but like so many others, I have a hard time finding an opportunity.
Our winner is Ann Diana Dinh! Let me know which library you go to, and I'll get a personalized signed copy sent there for you :D
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