Did you know that you can now rate and review books, movies, and music through the Sno-Isle Libraries catalog?
The next time you're searching the catalog, look for the "Write a Review" link under the picture of the book or DVD cover. You'll be able to tell if other people have written reviews or if you'll be the first! These reviews are collected from libraries in several states, so you'll be able to share with your opinions with a wide audience. All you have to do is create a user name and password, and then you'll be on the way to writing your reviews.
Reviews are moderated, so they won't show up right away. But as long as you haven't written a review full of bad words (of course you wouldn't) it should show up by the next day.
Don't forget to submit book reviews at the Sno-Isle Teens site too - these will still be the only way to earn extra credit if your school offers it, and of course the ONLY way to win prizes during summer reading.
What's the first thing you've written a review for? Let us know so we can check it out!
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