Sometimes a book sneaks up on me. Usually if a new book is coming out by a popular author, I'll have heard some buzz about it, or at least be familiar with the author. But I confess I am totally unfamiliar with
David Weber's
Honorverse books and had no idea he had spun of some teen books off as origin stories for a popular character. So I was surprised to see this book come across my desk with 26 people waiting for it!
Fire Season looks to be an awesome read:
Fire weather... That's what the treecats call those rare seasons when
the slightest spark can set aflame the the vast green reaches they call
home. Teenager Stephanie Harrington rapidly learns just how deadly those
fires can be. Guided by her treecat companion, Lionheart, Stephanie and
her good friend Karl Zivonik venture into the heart of a raging inferno
to rescue twin treecats put at risk by human carelessness. Only the
trio's absolute trust for each other stands between them and disaster.
Apparently this series has six legged telepathic tree cats who bond with humans! How had I not heard about this? It sounds AWESOME.
For a chance to win a shiny brand new paperback of
Fire Season, tell me what you hope your favorite cat would say to you if it could talk, and what you think it actually would say.
Winner will be selected with Random Number Generator on Tuesday October 2, 2012. Be sure to leave a name with your entry, and check
back to see if you won. To win you must be a teen (6th-12th grade, or
12-18) who uses a Sno-Isle Library.