Here's what we love :), hate :(, and make weird faces at :\
1. Ashes by Ilsa Bick :\ (Out September 6th)
2. Extraordinary by Nancy Werlin :(
3. Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater :)
4. Amy and Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson :)
5. Misty: Digging Deep in Volleyball and Life by Misty May-Treanor :)
6. Wicked by Gregory Maguire :(
7. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury :(
8. Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard :)
9. The Lying Game by Sara Shepard :)
10. Wither by Lauren DeStafano :)
11. Small Town Sinners by Melissa Walker :)
12. Chain Reaction/ Perfect Chemistry/ Rules of Attraction by Simone Eckles :)
13. Forgotten by Cat Patrick :) / :\
14. Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson :\ (Out September 29th)
15. Cryer's Cross by Lisa McMann :) / :\
16. Juliet Immortal by Stacy Jay
17. Au Revoir, Crazy European Chick by Joe Schreiber :) (Out October 25th)
18. Just Listen by Sarah Dessen :)
19. Alice, Bliss by Laura Harrington
20. Bigger Than a Breadbox by Laurel Snyder :\ (Out September 27th)
Missed the Teen Book Brunch?
Tell me about a book you loved, hated, or had mixed feelings about in the comments section. I will draw one person randomly to win an advanced copy of Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson. To win this book, leave your initials in the post so I know who it is that won. Winner will be chosen on Wednesday, August 24th.
The book "Desires of the Dead" by Kimberly Derting which is the second book to "Body Finder" is amazing!!
As it was the second book and of course i had high expectations. I was very satisfied with this book but i still like the first one better! Kimberly is a thrilling storyteller!!!
Book I loved: Well there's lots of those, but one I didn't think I loved even though I thought I wouldn't...was My Most Excellent Year. It was just realistic fiction, and I'm a Fantasy girl, but it was such a funny book I couldn't help but love it.
Book I hated: There's a few of those but one I thought I'd love, but hated anyway, The Marbury Lens. This book had everything I was looking for: Magic, London, Mystery...but it made absolutely no sense. I'm still confused about it.
Book I'm iffy about: Crescendo the sequel to Hush Hush.
I've been reading "Oliver Twist" by Charles Dickens and I'm lovin' it! Not only is it a great story, there are times when the author speaks with sarcastic tone and that cracks me up every time!
A book I loved was The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater. It is also an advanced reader copy. The Scorpio Races was amazing!!! The characters were great! The plot was suspenseful and the setting was excellent! It was an all-a-round great book! ME
Shiver, by Maggie Stiefvater. I always see it with positive reviews, but it never quite hit it off for me. It felt like there was much more fill than plot (in fact, it felt like the only plot was contained in the first 3 chapters and the last 5 or 6). It was just kind of...boring. I don't hate it, but I don't exactly like it. It was mostly 'there.' But Extraordinary was great! I love Nancy Werlin, and though it wasn't as good as Impossible, I thought it was pretty good, for the most part (despite the fact that most of the characters are very hate-able).
I have loved alot of books! But even more so a book called The Mysterious Benidict Society. Yes, i know its not a teen book but its really great and talks about unique kids and really inspires the reader to think about everyones qualities. A book i couldnt decide if i loved or hated was Unwind. It made me want to cry and throw up but was very well written.
i wonder why we havent seen the results 2 this yet...
Sorry about that! Nethmi won the copy of Name of the Star. Congratulations Nethmi!
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