Dennis loves to play video games, but his strict Chinese immigrant father has always harped on him to concentrate on his studies. But once his father dies, he becomes obsessed with gaming. Things start to get weird when four little angels start messing with him, trying to get him to do right by his father's memory, or else...
To win this book, tell me about something you got obsessed with, and what was so facinating about it. Winner will be drawn Tuesday August 9, 2011.
Don't forget to check back here to see if you have won!
Something I became obsessed just recently (that I didn't realize was an obsession at first) were sweets. I now realize how much more i consumed than before and I remember I was terrified to think of living without them. I think what fascinated me so much about them were the various options. After I was sick of one, I could just move on to another. Not anymore though! I now enjoy sweets in moderation. :)
Last year, due to my best friend, I became obsessed with the British Sci-fi show Doctor Who. I watched over fifty episodes in the span of two months. I was constantly on the computer watching it, trying to get caught up. I bought t-shirts, I drew fanart (terribly) and I talked about it constantly. The show consumed me...but that's because the plot is so interesting, and the characters are so amazing, with lovely accents. I mean, I've been "obsessed" with anime and video games before, but those were nothing compared to my Who-phase.
I could relate to this book so much! I've been obsessed with a computer game called League of Legends...and I play it everyday and my parents are always getting mad at me for playing it. What fascinates me about it is that I get to play with my friends (all my friends play it) and you get to play against other players around the world since it's a player vs. player game. I'm trying to cut back...but it's hard :(
Right now I'm obsessed with the music group Celtic Woman. All 10 of the women who have been a part of this group have amazing talent and beautiful songs. Even with as picky as I am about music, I don't think I could ever get tired of listening to their music...Can you tell I'm curretnly obsessed?
I am, always have been, and hope to always be obbsessed with those wonderful things called books. I love every kind of book, and have only not finished three books in my entire life! Books really are the best, i have only read about 80 over the school year but hope to read more ths summer! The great thing about this obbsession is it can only do good for everyone who has it. I cant imagine living without books. So in a sense i am obsessed with the library as well. All those books! Thanks to everyone for fueling my obbsession :)
I was obsessed with my wii when we got it a few years ago.I wanted to play every day for a few hours but then I got bored of doing it.
My buddy Random Number Generator loved Unknown's comment about Doctor Who. Unknown...send me an email with your real name, which library you go to, and something to convince me you are the Unknown who posted about Dr. Who, and I'll send you the copy of Level Up!
(Initials would be helpful for Unknow/Anonymous posts folks ;)
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