Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lost and Found

One of my most recent favorites is Where Things Come Back by John Corey Whaley. In it, Cullen’s summer is framed by the return of an “extinct” bird and the sudden disappearance of his younger brother, Gabriel.

So many of the books I’ve read recently revolve and resolve around missing people and missing objects. We are often defined by what we have lost and what has been regained: lost opportunities…found love…lost family…found meaning…lost socks…found keys. Magazines, blogs, and books are dedicated to the “found object” – now elevated into an artwork of the possible. Of course, not every loss is sad and (as anyone on Facebook can tell you) not every person needs to be found. But which story would you rather read (or tell)… the losing or the finding?


~Jordan Family said...

Is this book worth buying do you think? It sounds good. Personally i would rather tell the finding.

Rachael said...

Personally, I'd prefer the finding...but then again you can't find something that hasn't been lost...

~Jordan Family said...

if no one knows something is lost is it still lost?

Jay said...

It was a really good book. I'm not sure how often I'd re-read it - which is my criteria for actually purchasing a book.