Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Mosquito

So there's some controversy about a device called the Mosquito. It's a box that emits a high-frequency sound that seems to only bother teens and people in their early 20s. It is intended to prevent young people from loitering.

Have you heard of this? Have you encountered the device? Or the sound? What do you think? Do you feel that your civil liberties are being infringed upon? What would you do if you DID encounter the Mosquito?


Michelle said...

Ok, that is a new one on me. I do wonder however if some folks (def OVER 20 years old), who have sensitive hearing might not also be affected. Things that make you say Hmmm?

David said...

I can relate; if I'm shopping and Celine Dion blasts out of the speakers, I have to leave before my brain explodes.

Jackie said...

HA! Nice, David. I'd be fleeing with you. For Mariah Carey, too.