This week's earbud winners are:
Adam A. - Mukilteo Library
Maddy E. - Mukilteo Library

Izabel N. - Marysville Library
Katie O'M. - Monroe Library
Nora H. - Edmonds Library
Ashley McC. - Monroe Library
Zahra Al-H. - Marysville Library
Vincent C. - Monroe Library
Grace M. - Marysville Library
Zach A. - Monroe Library
Robin C. - Oak Harbor Library
Korina T. - Oak Harbor Library
Daria J. - Lynnwood Library
Zane V. - Langley Library
Aileen D. - Lynnwood Library
Your teen librarian will contact you when they come in.
Keep those reviews coming!
Is the overall contest unfair? Some of the reviews are allowed to be longer than others. This gives some students an advantage--like the person who won last year whose review went past the letter limit given online.
(on the first page of the reviews posted online, there is a review that is more than double the length of most of the other ones)
There were technical problems last year, and early this year that got worked out.
The person who won the Librarian's Choice award last year worked very hard to craft a fine review within the word limits. He found it challenging, but learned to appreciate how it made him a better writer in the end :)
Generally I think librarians appreciate the reviews that do the best job of capturing how the reader experienced the book, in the most poetic (briefest) way possible. Though a very popular one last year was also written as a poem ;)
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