In a post-apocalyptic future, fifteen-year-old Deuce, a loyal Huntress, brings back meat while avoiding the Freaks outside her enclave, but when she is partnered with the mysterious outsider, Fade, she begins to see that the strict ways of the elders may be wrong-- and dangerous.
Right now there are a ton of people waiting to read this get out of the line and cut to the front, by winning your own copy! To enter leave a comment saying what skill, talent, or knowledge you have that would help you survive a post-apocalyptic future? Winner will be selected on Tuesday July 5, 2011.
My wit, intellect, and awesome ninja skills.
I'm pretty technical (good with science and math), so I guess I could help problem solve?
I can also cram myself into small spaces, so that could be useful if I needed to get somewhere small :D (if I join the circus, it'll be as a contortionist or a clown).
Uh...Well I could crochet clothes. I mean, I have a lot of yarn, we all might end up wearing rainbow-colored shirts and vests, but it's better than nothing at all...right?
I've also watched enough Survivor to know how to light a fire, I'm pretty creative and intuitive, and...if worse comes to worse, there's a lot of me to go around if we get hungry (Kidding, of course).
If I were on my own; I'm a decent marksman (that equals food and protection), I can start a fire with flint & steel (purify water, cook), and I'm sure with practice these skills would get much better. If in a group, I could employ those skills as well as those of an entertainer. I can tell stories, recall history, and play a few tunes on my guitar (and believe me, I will not be leaving my guitar behind). Why an entertainer? Because I believe that even when life is absolutely horrible, there has to be something there to enjoy; even if you have to make it yourself.
The winner this week is KJ, for an awesome combination of hard core survival skills and recognizing the need for entertainment!
Email me at and let me know which library to send your prize to :)
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