Twelve-year-old September lives in Omaha, and used to have an ordinary life, until her father went to war and her mother went to work. One day, September is met at her kitchen window by a Green Wind (taking the form of a gentleman in a green jacket), who invites her on an adventure, implying that her help is needed in Fairyland. The new Marquess is unpredictable and fickle, and also not much older than September. Only September can retrieve a talisman the Marquess wants from the enchanted woods, and if she doesn’t . . . then the Marquess will make life impossible for the inhabitants of Fairyland.
You can begin reading the book online here, or get it from Sno-Isle here, too if you don't mind a bit of a wait.
To enter to win this book, leave a comment telling us about your favorite fairytale daydream...either current or from when you were a kid. Me, I liked to image I had a pet dragon!
Winner will be selected on Tuesday July 12, 2011.
When I was younger I always daydreamed about flying away to Neverland with Peter Pan. I always thought it would be so cool to meet the lost boys and fight the pirates. My parents would even right me notes signed 'Peter Pan' and leave them on my window sill. I also daydreamed about just flying in general and meeting fairies.
Wow, I'm not sure I can choose just one! I used to love pretending I was a mermaid (like Ariel from the Little Mermaid). I also pretended I was Pocahontas...and Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Obviously, a big Disney fan! I loved fairies, too! When I got into the Redwall series, I frequently imagined myself into those books. For example, I was a hare in Lord Brocktree, a squirrel in Triss, an otter in Taggerung, a mouse in Mattimeo, and so forth...when I'm bored I'll still imagine myself in Mossflower. I've learned everyone's welcome there no matter what!
I used to imagine that when I turned thirteen (don't know why that age) that I'd grow wings and turn into a fairy. I even had it all planned out what I'd tell my parents, and where I'd go (The woods in my backyard, until the other fairies found me.) but I never did grow wings. However, whenever I'm walking alone, or on a long car ride, I still pretend, I can't help it.
When I was younger, I often daydreamed about flying. I thought it would be so fun to explore all the places you see in postcards and travel the world, admiring the various creatures and people. I thought that when I could figure out how to grow wings, I would be a hero because you wouldn't have to pay for the expensive airline tickets. Now I realize that I had a wild imagination as a kid, and even weirder, I still do.
I'm named after a past queen of England and I always thought that I was a princess that was away from the throne to keep me safe from assassins and such. My dad is from England and he always called my grandma from there 'The Queen' and called my his 'little princess' and Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty is my favorite Disney Princess because I thought she was just like me.
When I was little, I had more fairytales than I knew what to do with. Me, my little brother, and my neighbor and his little brother used to go outside every single day and pretend that we were ninjas that fought dragons every single day to save the villagers. Somehow it lasted years. I don't play that with them anymore, but now I'm really into unicorns and faeries. Everytime I go outside, I always pretend that there are faeries lurking behind every tree and bush. My best friend is crazy enough to go along with it when we run through the forest behind her house and pretend to be chasing the this day, I swear I've seen a few darting around in there.
Your answers were all so wonderful, I had trouble I asked the author! She picked out Unknown's comment about growing wings at 13 :D
Unknown, please email me your Name, library and phone number, and I'll send TGWCFinSoHOM your way!
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