Friday, January 3, 2014

Weekend Book Giveaway: Notable week's freebie is an Advanced Reader Copy of Notable by Marni Bates, the third in the Smith High series.

I take no prisoners. I am Chelsea Halloway and I will happily destroy your social life if you mess with me. Just ask anyone. There is no situation I cannot handle. Divorcing parents? No problem. An ex-boyfriend who wants to date Smith High Schools biggest geek instead of me? Just a matter of time before I can make him see reason. At least, until my parents decide to ship me off on a study abroad trip to Cambodia. Now instead of being admired as the queen of the Notables, I am stuck with a bunch of college students who do not take me seriously, and a professor who accidentally landed himself on the wrong side of a drug lord. And it is up to me to get us all out of the country alive--even the annoying jerk with the green eyes who will not stop calling me princess. Oh yeah, what could possibly go wrong?
This title has 2 people waiting right now, but you can skip the line and read it next week, if your answer to this question is picked randomly:  Have your parents ever made a decision you were unhappy with, but ended up being ok in the end?  What was it, and what was the result?
Winner will be selected by Dawn on Tuesday, January 7, 2014. Be sure to leave a name with your entry, and check back to see if you won. To win you must be a teen (6th-12th grade, or 12-18) who uses a Sno-Isle Library.  


Maddy E. said...

I haven't read this series, but this one looks interesting. One decision my parents made that I didn't like was in the third grade when they decided we would move to Kentucky. However it turned out ok because we moved back to Washington less than a year later.

Dawn said...

Ok Maddy...looks like this one is going to you! Melleny will let you know when it arrives :)