Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Trailer Tuesday: The Fault in Our Stars

The Fault in Our Stars is the newest novel by nerdfighter king John Green. People seem to be falling all over themselves to praise it. I haven't read it. Have you? What do you think?

Here's the trailer. It doesn't really seem to tell us anything about the plot, but it is a pretty song.

I think there's maybe cancer in it. The cover screams Nick Hornby to me, which is unusual.

Related, unlike that last sentence, Green will be appearing at Third Place Books in Lake Forest Park on January 30. Tickets are required. Click here for more.


Ashtastic The Great said...

TFiOS is an amazing book.
I read it in two days.

Utter Randomness said...

I'm so glad I wasn't the only person who thought of Nick Hornby's book covers when I saw the cover of The Fault in Our Stars!